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10 Web Design Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Sales

submitted on 30 September 2020 by brucejonesseo.com
10 Web Design Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Sales How you represent your company online is a reflection of your brand. Your website serves as your business' secondary storefront. Therefore, it needs to have a professional and eye-pleasing design. Seeking help from website design agencies if you don't have the skills is essential to avoid making mistakes that can potentially kill your brand. As a wise business professional, you know that taking the risk of creating a website from scratch without having enough skills and experience in doing so is a big misstep. Not only are you vulnerable to making mistakes, you are also putting your business' online image and reputation to risk.

At the end of this article, you will be able to brush up on the 10 web design fluffs that can ruin your business' website. Read through the end to get the knack of the possible outcomes out of committing such errors. You will also get to know the top website design agencies that can help you create the website of your dreams.

Meaningless Layout
Web design tools tons of themes, colors and navigation tools are given. The user can easily get overwhelmed by these choices and may try to put everything at once in the website. However, this is not ideal when designing your website. According to the article 6 Common Web Design Mistakes That Can Kill Your Website - Wix.com, a lot of websites suffer from split-personality design; a design that does not have a comprehensive message and everything is just all over the place. Mixing and matching is not the best way to do web design. Professional web designers usually stick to a certain theme and apply it to all web pages. Your contents in web pages should present a unified look and theme. Fonts, color schemes and images if mish mashed may result in a meaningless layout.

Search Box is Missing
The web by nature is a wellspring of information. When making a website, make sure that users will be able to satisfy themselves with useful information. Thus, having a search box is essential whether your site is a personal blog or a corporate website. You need to remember that visitors may be searching for something which is not found on a certain web page or article. Before they click out of your site, give them the option to find what they are looking for through the help of a search tool. Sites without search tools will generally gain less traffic because once the user did not see what they want and need, they are left with no option but to look for another website since there is no means for searching other contents on that site.

Poor Navigation
According to the article The Top 10 Worst Mistakes in Web Design- intechnic.com, 76% of clients want a website that will make them find what they are looking for effortlessly. Having poorly designed navigation tools should be fixed as soon as possible. Unorganized, too small to read or too big navigation tools can make your website look unprofessional. There should be navigation tools provided in each web page to serve as a guide for users in where to go next. If having poor navigation is one of your problems with you website, seeking help from professional designers is the best option. To help you select the right one, read web design agency reviews.

Slow Loading Server
Having slow loading time is an invitation among users to click exit and look for another site. According to expert sources, most online shoppers will only wait for about 4 seconds for a site to load completely before clicking away. If your website takes longer than that, there might be factors that contribute to it being slow such as large images or special add-ons like flash presentations. Your site speed is crucial to driving traffic; make sure you are not clicked away. If you are not keen with web design and you are dealing with this problem, it would be best to consult a web design firm as they are specialists and know the job best.

Wrong Color Choices
In web design, it can be tempting to put your own color choices. Unfortunately, this is not ideal when you want a professional looking website. Having a color scheme that does not compliment and contrast with other elements in a website or having too many colors all over the place can put your visitors off. Instead of impressing them, you may just give them a headache. You need to remember that even if your contents are great but your website is not pleasing to other people's eyes, then everything can be pointless. As a tip, stick with just two or three colors that allows your texts to be read and make sure these colors complement each other to make your website look clean and presentable. If you are unsure with your color choices, seek recommendation from professional web designers.

Failure to Link With Social Media Properties
Today, social media has become one of the biggest avenues in the market industry. In order to keep up with the competition, you must have at least one or two social media property. It is recommended to sign up for an account in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn as they are considered as the four biggest social media channels. Failure to link your social media is a massive lapse in web management. A lot of people will also seek for a social media page of a blog or company to keep up with new releases, updates and upcoming events. This medium is also an excellent tool for promoting contents and drives more traffic back to your website.

Automatic Opening of New Windows
Many web designers make the mistake of opening new browser windows on the belief that it keeps visitors on their site. This type of strategy is a massive no-no in web design. It disables the back button which is primarily the normal way a visitor returns to previous sites. The new windows opened are normally unnoticeable, especially for users with small screens. They will get confused if they try to return to the previous site because the back button is missing. If you do not want to disappoint your visitor, do not do this or ask your local web design provider not to.

Page Titles with Low SEO Visibility
Search query is the best possible way a user discovers a website. One of the main goals you have for putting up your website is to drive traffic to it. A good page title is your main tool to attract users to click through your website. Page titles contain HTML tags which is also used as the clickable headline for results listing on search engines. Google only shows the first 66 characters of a title, thus, you need to be very wise in creating one. You may or may not know that you cannot just easily put your desired title for a page in your website. It definitely has to be something that people are looking for. If you are not very keen with choosing titles that will help you with SEO, you may seek help from web design agencies as they know how to deal with it better. <br><br> <b>Too Many PDFs</b><br> Users hate it when they need to open or download a PDF file when they want to read a certain post or article. As much as you want to be resourceful to your visitors, you may as well avoid putting PDF files. Why? Because it contributes to the many factors that makes your website load slow. It also breaks users browsing flow. Not many are willing to open a new window or download the file. PDF is good for manuals that have bigger contents and e-books but not for contents that only have about 500 words. <br><br> <b>Mobile-Unfriendly</b><br> In today's technological world, people are no longer relying on their desktops only when they surf the web. According to Wix.com, mobile devices are now accounting to more than half of web usage globally. Therefore, having your website mobile-friendly is a must. Your site must have a feature that makes mobile surfing convenient and readable. You need to take note that mobile browsing is different to a full-screen desktop one. When putting up your website, be sure to give mobile features great importance. Ask your web design service provider to create one which both desktop and mobile users will definitely enjoy. <br><br> <b>Wrap up</b><br> That's it! Those are the 10 web design flaws that can kill your website. To be fair, those are only examples of the common mistakes associated with website design. There are definitely some more that you need to avoid. Remember, the internet is such a wide and massive community. Establishing your own property out there can bring so many benefits. However, keeping up with e-market competition is not as easy as ABC; there are definitely strategies, guidelines and rules to follow. One of which is having an excellent website. <br><br> Seeking for a reliable web design company? Check out website design agency reviews from online directories to see updated and genuine feedback. You may also want to check who's made it as the top website design agencies recently. </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table><p> </p></td> </tr> </table> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif} .navlinks2 { color:#000; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; text-decoration:none; text-shadow: #FFF 1px 1px 1px; } --> </style> <br /><br /><br /> <div class="hr" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;"><hr /></div> <div style="padding:0px;margin:0px;"><br /> <table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="7" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="6%"><div align="left"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/" class="navlinks2">Home</a></div></td> <td width="8%"><div align="center"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/faq.asp" class="navlinks2">FAQ</a> </div></td> <td width="14%"><div align="center"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/new_listing.asp" class="navlinks2">+ Submit a Website</a> </div></td> <td width="18%"><div align="center"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/login.asp" class="navlinks2">Edit Your Listings</a> </div></td> <td width="15%"><div align="center"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/benefits.asp" class="navlinks2">Benefits</a></div></td> <td width="15%"><div align="center"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/privacy-policy.asp" class="navlinks2">Privacy Policy</a></div></td> <td width="16%"><div align="center"><a href="https://www.webdesignlistings.org/contact.asp" class="navlinks2">Contact Us</a></div></td> </tr> </table> <div align="center"><br /> <span class="style1">webdesignlistings.org (c)2009 - 2024</span><br /> <br /> </div> </div> <div class="hr" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;"><hr /></div></div> </body> </html>